We had an incredible fog event going on this morning as I'm sure the lake surface was cooler than the air above, but the really nice thing was that it was a lingering fog. By lingering I mean I had time to run to a number of different places to accept the challenge. The funny thing was that the last place was a place that I've never shot from before....Imagine that! It was very close to a number of my favorite places, but I think my usual assessment was too many obstacles. WRONG ASSESSMENT!
This shot was taken with my iPhone 5s using the "AutoStitch" app and then edited in Google "Snapseed". I did a little further editing in Photoshop CS6 to diminish artifacts and to increase the size.
The bird...well, that's just plain dumb luck. I made two pano efforts while I was there and this was the second. If I would have taken just one, my little friend would have missed its opportunity. Of course I could have shot pano's until I was blue in the face and never seen a bird (gull) at all. That's why I say, "pure dumb luck".
I have several other shots waiting to be edited and, yes, I did pull out the "big boy" camera and, yes, I do have a pano done with my 5D as well. I don't like to tempt the photo gods.
One sidelight....the experience of watching the fog lift and blow around really was worth being out early. Fog is a unpredictable event as it can vanish a few minutes after sunrise, or it can hang around, or it can be so thick that not much light comes through. It is, however, always worth the trip.
Thank you all for continuing to follow this site and I hope you all have a great weekend.
"Sic 'em Bears".
For more views of my work visit;
Arts On Grand, Spencer, Iowa http://www.artsongrand.org/
Lanesboro Art Center, Lanesboro, Minnesota www.lanesboroarts.org
Side Street Gallery, Arnolds Park, Iowa www.okobojiimages.com
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