"Lost-yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes.
No reward is offered, for they are gone forever. Horace Mann
When the sky is right in Arizona the colors are blazing finishes on a day of hiking and photography. On this particular trip clouds were at a minimum, which means that the options for color in the morning and evening were few and far between. But this infrequency of dazzling color is also typical in Iowa. Not every day can be a rose, but one can only hope for a bouquet once in awhile.
But the eloquence of light is not limited to morning and evening. It can surprise a person throughout the day if conditions are right or the geology plays a part to cause the bending of light beams.
Just turning around and looking into the blinding light make the difference. And, as tourist and hikers pass questions are asked about what one is doing, seeing, or what? But I see a portrait....one tree, glistening light, and a tapestry background. It's a gift! They are all GIFTS! One just has to be prepared to open ones arms and embrace i
Thanks for visiting and Spring is getting even closer. Make sure your lenses are clean!
Places to see more of Daniel's work:
Pearson Lakes Art Center - lakesart.org
Arts On Grand - artsongrand.org
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