"It is the life of the crystal, the architect of the flake, the fire of the frost, the soul of the sunbeam. This crisp winter air is full of it."
John Burroughs
It's been a dry winter so far with up and down temps. Last week it hit 50 degrees on one day and it's 25 degrees today. No beautiful snow blanket covering what's left over from autumn. In our part of the world weather life we're having is an ominous sign that a climate surprise is around the corner.
The blog image is the results of a very thick fog we had last week combined with very cold morning temps. As the morning wore on the tree branches started to gather in the frost particles which made a nice garment covering the trees.
It was a nice change from the humdrum clear skies we were having that was punctuated by high winds. I think I'm already tired of this drab looking winter, yet asking for snow is almost a crime!
We still get our colorful moments which makes up for lack of snow. This tree caught my attention as it seemed to be waiting for me. My actual destination was behind me, but I thought this scene was worth my attention.
By the way if you search YouTube for Judy Hancock you should find an amazing video of here discussion of Minimalist Photography along with a selection of her beautiful work.
Thanks for visiting this site and feel free to comment while you're here.
Wishing all of you a very merry Christmas and fabulous New Year. It has to get better, right? Hold good thoughts, be safe, enjoy your family and extend a loving hand to all
Places to see more of Daniel's work:
Pearson Lakes Art Center - lakesart.org
Arts On Grand - artsongrand.org
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